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What is 


In its basic form, editing regards the combining of shots. 


Throughout this presentation, we will be addressing some major elements of editing such as:


Cuts - two pieces of a film that have been cut and spliced together 


Fade - when an image darkens until the screen in black and lightens to reveal a new scene


Dissolve - a shot gradually disappears while a new shop appears over it


Wipe - one shot gradually replaces another as a line comes across the scene indicating the change between the two 


Graphic Match - similarities are shown between shape, size, tone, etc. 


180 Degree - the shots are assembled in a certain sense of space


Re/establishing Shot - shows the space a scene may take place in during the beginning of the scene or revisited later in the scene


Montage - a scene that shows a sequence of events in a process


Non Diegetic - a sense of explicit commentary that is added into the film in a sense of commentary

The scene below from 28 Days Later shows different cuts of an empty London to depict the violent spread of the virus.

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